Camron Brown, ’16: his toothpaste gives back

Camron Brown, BCHS Class of 2016, is now co-owner of Grind Goods, a natural charcoal-based toothpaste company, whose products will soon be on the shelves at Wal-Mart.
The company donates 25% of its profits to Homeless not Toothless, a non-profit that works to give disadvantaged groups, including homeless veterans, the ‘confidence to smile’.
Two locations close to home also stock the products: 4545 Lafayette Rd, Indianapolis and 2373 E Main St, Plainfield, IN.
“I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for Indianapolis, Indiana. Everywhere I go, a piece of Indianapolis is with me because I am a product of Indianapolis. I am a product of what someone in the inner city of Indianapolis can become,” Camron said in an article on