Category: 2000s

Bridget Feeney ’09,

Bridget Feeney, class of 2009, wrote an article for St. Mary’s College about her experience with famous sitcom writers, Bill Persky and Tom Leopold. Bridget met the duo while they were visiting St. Mary’s and has continued to stay in touch with them.

Emily Stroble, ’06

Emily Stroble, class of 2006, helped produce a television show that’s been 3 years in the making, and the show’s season premiere debuted on October 6th on WFYI-PBS. The show is called “Family Travel” and is the first of it’s kind. Learn more and find local listing at

Andrea (Kremer) Pomaranski, ’00

Andrea (Kremer) Pomaranski, class of 2000, is being inducted into the Miami University of Ohio Athletics Hall of Fame. Andrea was recognized as an All-American for Track in 2001 and 2003 and also in 2001 for Cross Country. She was also the Miami Athlete of the year in 2001, 2003 and 2004. Her induction as a part of the 45th class of athletes takes place on October 5.

Ryan Moran ’00, Speaks to BCHS Student Body

Today Ryan Moran, class of 2000, spoke to the BCHS student body about being in the “POSSE” and how to “Swim against the Tide.” He emphasized the importance of being Positive, being Open, having Spirit, being Sincere and not Excluding others. Ryan has worked as a public speaker for 10 years and now has his own business as a youth motivational speaker. He has traveled to 43 states and presented to over a half a million students in that time, with his largest audience reaching 7,000.  He lives in Indianapolis with his wife and 11 month old son, P.J. If you’d like see more of what he’s doing, check out his website at

Anna Hoefer, ’05, from CPA to Convent

Anna Hoefer, class of 2005, has decided to join the community of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. She begins life at the convent on September 1, 2013. Anna recently left her job as a CPA to answer her call to religious life. To read more about her decision and life, check out her blog at

Alumni Supporting Alumni

Wenclewicz Insurance (Mark Wenclewicz ’98 and Scott Wenclewicz ’02) is excited to sponsor recent Bishop Chatard High School graduate Rob Dury (’13) in the 2013 Grange Insurance All-Star Classic! Dury will join with other top Indiana high school football players to compete in a north vs. south battle on July 19th at North Central High School. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. Proceeds from the game annually benefit both Camp Riley, a camping facility near Martinsville designed specifically for children with physical disabilities, and the Indiana Football Hall of Fame.

Rob Horan, ’03

Rob Horan (2003) is working as the Combine Director for the NFL. He and is wife live in Fishers, IN where they welcome Robert Horan, III to their family on May 28th. Congratulations to the Horan family!