Category: 2000s

Verily Magazine

Janet Sahm (2006) was featured in the Criterion for the recent publication of Verily Magazine. Janet serves as the Style Editor and Co-Founder of the magazine which supports an “uplifting, affirming and true” look at the modern woman.  Learn more about Verily online at

The Ryan Baker Foundation

In spring of 2010, Ryan and Susanah (Acheson) Baker ’04, started the Ryan Baker Foundation for kids and young adults. They most recently hosted an event for young men who have aged out of the foster care system and are no longer eligible for adoption. Twenty young men were taken shopping for suits at Men’s Wearhouse to dress them for interviews and prepare them for their future. Austin Collie and Martin Plowman were there along with several Bishop Chatard alumni and friends. Susanah said “They were the most polite group of young men I have been around, and despite their circumstances they had the most positive attitude on life.” On Friday, June 28, the Ryan Baker Foundation will also be hosting a free football camp at BCHS. You can find more details on our main website at

Katie McCalley ’09, receives Purdue award

Katie McCalley, class of 2009, was recognized with the Charles O. McGaughey Award at the Purdue University Commencement Exercises this May. This Purdue Scholarship award is given to the student who exemplifies qualities of leadership and outstanding scholastic achievement.

Zach Hartley, ’09, is Greek Man of the Year

Zach Hartley, class of 2009, was named Greek Man of the Year at Ball State University. Zach is a part of Sigma Chi fraternity and has served in several leadership roles through the Intrafraternity Council (IFC) during his time on Campus. He most recently served at IFC President from November 2011 to December 2012. As President, he brought 2 new Fraternities to campus, increased philanthropic contributions and community service, and had the all-Greek GPA rise above 3.0 for the first time in 32 years. Zach plans to graduate in May of 2013 with a degree in Business Administration.

Katie (Rudolph) Lubs ’08

Congratulations! Katie, Class of 2008, and her husband Daniel welcomed their son Dean Allen on March 27th 2013. He came into the world weighing a whooping 9lbs 10oz. Proud aunts and uncles include Elisa (Rudolph) Fahrbach (06), Ben Fahrbach (06), Becky Rudolph (10), Paul Rudolph (14), and Claire Rudolph (16)

Dr. Mary (Wagner) Fuhs ’02

Dr. Mary (Wagner) Fuhs, Class of 2002, recently accepted a position as Professor of Psychology at the University of Dayton! She will be starting this August. Congratulations Mary!

Logan Cook ’06

Logan Cook, Class of 2006, tells us he is currently an Associate II at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., an engineering, architectural and materials firm.  He lives in Chicago, IL.  He was married in 2012 to Jessica Hayden. Congratulations Logan!

Jacqueline Appleman ’05

Jacqueline is currently a photographer for Shelly’s Angel Photography. She lives in Granger, IN

Alumni Engaged!

Chris Zabriske and Jessi Hupp, both from the class of 2008, got engaged this past December. Their wedding is planned for October of 2013!