Category: 1960s
Jane (Thuer) Scott, ’69, sends greetings from GA
Jane (Thuer) Scott, BCHS Class of 1969, sends greetings to us from Georgia, where she is enjoying retirement with her husband Thomas. She is ‘Gigi’ to Noah (3 1/2 years) and Bear (1 year). She writes:
‘The best part of BCHS was the bonds made with some of the greatest women I met and continue to stay in touch with for so many years.’
Patrick Price, ’65, motorcoaches the nation
Patrick Price, BCHS Class of 1965, lives full-time in a 45-foot motorcoach, but that hasn’t stopped him from staying connected with his fellow alumni! “I’m constantly on the move across North America, always chasing the perfect weather,” Patrick shared.
Despite being on the road, Patrick enjoys staying in touch with his fellow classmates, attending all-city reunions and most recently joining the Class of ’66 for their reunion with alumni from eleven area Catholic high schools. “More than 90 of us gathered at the school for our 50th reunion. Now, it’s been 60 years!”
As a member of Bishop Chatard’s very first graduating class, Patrick laughingly recalled, “It all began with us and the Class of 1965! We’re the founding children, not the founding fathers!”
Class of 1966 gets together
Pictured (l to r) are (top row) Maureen Flynn Luedeman, Karen O’Brien Swickheimer, Sue Osterman, Becky Doades Phillipi, Kristie Krachenfels Gill, Marsha Bordenet Davis, Patty Flynn Hughes, Pam Bryant Shreve, (bottom) Karole Fagen Butz, Peggy Battista McIntosh.

Class of 1968 50 Year Reunion