Dec. 4 Bone Marrow Donor Drive for Lindsey (Laconi) Garrison, ’08

A Bone Marrow Donor Drive will be conducted through Be The Match to find a bone marrow match for Lindsey (Laconi) Garrison, BCHS Class of 2008. She was diagnosed with Leukemia in September and needs to find a match for a bone marrow transfusion. This would ultimately put her in remission and save her life!!
Lindsey is married, a mother of two beautiful girls, a NICU nurse at St. Vincent Women’s Hospital, and mom to their mini Goldendoodle named Joey. On 9/13, after two days of intense stomach pain and a low grade fever, Lindsey was diagnosed with AML. After starting chemo, liver complications from the leukemia had caused a week-long stay in the ICU, ending with Lindsey needing an emergent stent. However, she is now currently in remission and healing after journeying through multiple stages of chemo, but due to the mutations that led to her diagnosis, a stem cell transplant provides Lindsey with the best hope of staying in complete remission.
Donor Drive is December 4
The Donor drive is on Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022 from Noon – 6 p.m. at Saint Simon Church in Geist at the Parish of Life Center. Stop by and get a swab taken to determine if you are a possible match for Lindsey or anyone in need. Ages 18-40 are preferred.
Online Donor Drive
If you can’t attend the above drive, mail in options with online registration is also available.Find out more at
Please join the registry today on behalf of Lindsey and her family. Thank you.