Category: 2000s

Dr. Michael O’Connor, ’02, is named medical director

Michael O’Connor, MD, BCHS Class of 2002, and assistant professor of Pediatrics at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, has been named medical director of the Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) Foundation Registry, which he also helped develop. The registry will serve as a repository of clinical data that will include the demographics, symptoms and current therapies of patients with PCD who consent to participate. Read the full story at Vanderbilt University Medical Center news.

Michael Henry, ’02, becomes Director of Experiential Learning Environment

Michael Henry, BCHS Class of 2002, a senior data scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), has accepted a joint appointment at the Texas A&M University RELLIS Center for Applied Research and Experiential Learning. Henry will also be the inaugural Director of the Experiential Learning Environment, a component of the newly established Human Machine Ecosystem Laboratory. The Texas A&M facility provides an environment for multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional teaching, research and workforce development instruction. Read the full story at

Jackie Appleman, ’05, becomes a mom

Congratulations to Jackie Appleman, BCHS Class of 2005, on the adoption of her daughter, Jessica in March 2020! We wish them the best of times as mother and daughter!

Eleanor (Ellie) Smith, ’08, receives doctorate

Congratulations to Eleanor (Ellie) R. Smith, BCHS Class of 2008, who successfully defended her dissertation in May, 2019, for the degree of PhD at the Graduate School of Education of Fordham University, NYC. Her dissertation is titled “Fighting Cyberbullying with Technology: Anonymous Reporting; Access Impact on Student Perceptions of School Climate.” Ellie received her bachelor’s degree at Indiana University and her master’s degree from Fordham University. She currently works in Indianapolis for Washington Township Schools as a school psychologist.

Jenny (Bryant) Lis, ’03, and family welcome new baby boy

Jenny (Bryant) Lis, BCHS Class of 2003, and her husband Eric welcomed their third son, Elias Joseph, in early January! He joins big brothers Gabe and Gus who are very excited to have another brother. Congratulations to the Lis Family!

Rachel (Newkirk) Barsella, ’07, receives degree

Rachel (Newkirk) Barsella, BCHS Class of 2007, attained her Doctor of Nursing Practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner from DePaul University, Chicago, in June 2020. Her study “Educational Tool Reduces Parental Stress at Home Post Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study” has been published in the Progress in Pediatric Cardiology journal. She is now employed as a Nurse Practitioner in Adult Congenital Heart Disease at the University of Chicago. Congratulations Rachel!

Dr. John Turner, ’00, earns degree

John C. Turner, BCHS Class of 2000, successfully defended his dissertation towards the Urban Education Studies PhD Program at the Indiana University School of Education at IUPUI. His dissertation was titled “ Black Identity Development on a First Year Affinity Course for African American Males as a Two-Year Community College”. John, while a student at BCHS, was a 1998 CLD Alumni, a part of the 1998 BCHS Football State Championship Team and 2000 All-Star State Marching Band. John received his Bachelors and Masters degrees from Indiana State University. He is a 3-Time TRIO Program Ronald E. McNair Scholar. Congratulations Dr. Turner!

Molly (McGlinchey) Clauss, ’09, welcomes baby girl

Congratulations to Molly (McGlinchey) Clauss, BCHS Class of 2009, and her family on the birth of a baby girl, Lyla Jade, in November. Enjoy those precious moments with your newborn this Christmas!

Mary (Wagner) Fuhs, ’02, receives NIH research grant

Congratulations to Mary (Wagner) Fuhs, BCHS Class of 2002, who recently received $439,000 from the National Institutes of Health to study early math skill development. Mary is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Dayton. The project builds on pilot research that provided evidence that the early ability to pay attention to numbers and not be distracted by size, color or shape predicts math achievement in preschoolers. Read the full story at the University of Dayton website