Category: 2010s

Mary (Wessel) Martin, ’12, is newly wed

Mary Wessel, BCHS Class of 2012, married Dylan Martin in Nashville, TN on March 18, 2023. The Martins live in Nashville and are excited to start their lives together.


Rachel Ward, ’11, is interim head coach at E. Stroudsburg U.

Rachel Ward, BCHS Class of 2011, is now in her fourth year of coaching the women’s lacrosse team at East Stroudsburg University, the No. 1 team in the 2023 Nike/USA Lacrosse Division II Women’s Preseason Top 20.

The team is coming off the program’s first-ever appearance in the NCAA Division II championship game. Rachel had been nationally recognized for her contributions in that year by being named the IWLCA’s Division II Outstanding Assistant Coach in 2022.

For the 2023 season, Rachel takes on a new challenge, as she is the interim head coach for the team while the current head coach is on maternity leave.

“At the end of the day, my job is to help the players be the best they can be every single day,” Rachel said. “Does it get a little stressful? Yeah, it does. But it’s the season. The season is what we live for, and if I have to take on a couple of extra things to help them, then I will do that.” 1

Condensed from USA Lacrosse Magazine

Rachel played received many awards while playing at BCHS and played collegiate women’s lacrosse at Lock Haven University, helping them advance to NCAA Div. II Final Four in 2014.

Camron Brown, ’16: his toothpaste gives back

Camron Brown, BCHS Class of 2016, is now co-owner of Grind Goods, a natural charcoal-based toothpaste company, whose products will soon be on the shelves at Wal-Mart.

The company donates 25% of its profits to Homeless not Toothless, a non-profit that works to give disadvantaged groups, including homeless veterans, the ‘confidence to smile’.

Two locations close to home also stock the products: 4545 Lafayette Rd, Indianapolis and 2373 E Main St, Plainfield, IN.

“I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for Indianapolis, Indiana. Everywhere I go, a piece of Indianapolis is with me because I am a product of Indianapolis. I am a product of what someone in the inner city of Indianapolis can become,” Camron said in an article on

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Maureen (Malarney) Jones ’12 weds

Congratulations to Maureen (Malarney) Jones, BCHS Class of 2012, who recently married Ronnie Jones at Christ the King Catholic Church on November 19, 2022.

Captain Kevin Zander, ’10, is engaged

Congralutions to Kevin Zander, BCHS Class of 2010, who is engaged to Emily Jarvi, daughter of Michael and Amy Jarvi of Trout Creek, Michigan. They will be married at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church here in Indianapolis on April 14, 2023.

Kevin is a captain in the Army, having served as a MedEvac helicopter pilot in Korea, Afghanistan, and Germany. He is currently studying towards a masters degree in Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech. Emily, an avid fisherman and outdoor aficionado who grew up in Michigan’s UP, recently completed her MBA and is a management analyst with Molson Coors Brewing.

Following their wedding, Emily and Kevin will be moving to West Point, NY, where Kevin has been accepted to the Mechanical Engineering faculty at the United States Military Academy.

Andrew Ciresi, ’12, is new father

Congratulations to Andrew and his wife Kelsey as they welcomed a little baby girl into their family through adoption. Eloise was born in August.