Category: 2000s
Graham Wilkerson, ’08, will be featured in Feb. broadcast
Graham Wilkerson, BCHS Class of 2008, was featured on Inside INdiana Business the weekend of Feb. 10, 2017 for his business’ success! Graham doubled the size of his company, Genesis Sports Performance, in just over a year with his unique training model.
Alexis (Bacon) Yates, ’04, becomes director
Alexis (Bacon) Yates, BCHS Class of 2004, recently was named Director of Prospect Enrichment Preschool located in Seattle, WA. PEP is a non-profit preschool serving low-income and even homeless children. Alexis writes, “This presents an opportunity to use academic and extracurricular experience gained at Bishop Chatard in a way that serves those who are less fortunate”.
Alexis married Jarrod Yates of Brownsburg, IN on Sept.3rd. They ‘road tripped’ from Seattle to be married in Indy at The Alexander Hotel.
Congratulations Alexis on the marriage and the new position!
Katie Sahm, ’01, receives Mary Award
Katie Sahm, BCHS Class of 2001, recently received the Mary, Heart of Prayer Award presented by the Sisters of St. Benedict in union with the Serra Club of Indianapolis. This award is part of the Martha and Mary Awards given to young women, ages 18-35 who exemplify each of these traits: Mary, the heart of prayer and Martha, the heart of service.
Read the full story in the Criterion, October 14 issue
Brie Anne Eichhorn, ’04, receives St. Raphael Award
Brie Anne Eichhorn, Class of ’04, received the St. Raphael Catholic Non-Clinical Healthcare Worker of the Year award at the White Mass, a celebration of Catholic physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, on September 29th. St. Raphael Guild, Indianapolis, is a member of the Catholic Medical Association Guild which focuses on providing education, mutual support, service and witness by and for physicians and healthcare professionals throughout the nation. Bri works as a nurse and fertility care practitioner at the Kolbe Center. Congratulations Brie!
Elisabeth (Patterson) Williams, ’07, meets Pope Francis
There is tradition that if a couple arrives for a Wednesday audience with the pope within six months of their wedding and wears the clothes they were married in, they will be allowed to sit in a reserved section to receive a blessing from the pope.
And so, Elisabeth, along with her new husband Scott Williams, began one of those amazing adventures that they hope will define their lives together for years to come.
Read the story of their journey in the September 23 issue of the Criterion.
Seth Ball, M.D. ’06 caring for kids
The life of a medical resident – it is the stuff that TV drama series are made of. But a decade of education and training that includes days lasting well beyond 24 hours is real life for Bishop Chatard Class of 2006 alumnus Dr. Seth Ball.
Seth just completed his first year as an emergency medicine pediatrics resident at the University of Maryland Medical Center. As part of the combined emergency medicine and pediatrics program, the Class of 2020 resident will spend five years in the medical residency program.
“It was eye-opening to find there was a specialty in pediatric emergency medicine,” Seth said. While at Indiana University School of Medicine his interest in emergency medicine grew, but he also knew he had a love and passion for working with kids.
Curtiss Moore, MD, ’01 — How I became a doctor
Dr. Curtiss Moore, MD, BCHS Class of 2001, writes about his journey from Indianapolis to becoming a cardiology fellow at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Follow his tale — from being inspired as a youngster by Dr. Ben Carson’s book ‘Gifted Hands’ to the persistence of his mother to the support of classmates at Prairie View A&M University to the present. Don’t miss reading this fascinating article, with insights for all, on what it takes to become a doctor and how Curtiss landed up in the field of cardiology.
Read the article from UT Southwestern Medical Center Website.